We are Brout

And we bring awareness.

It starts with awareness. Of what’s already there. Of what’s not—or not yet—there. And of how you let yourself, your team or your organization grow. That’s what we will be working on. In a triangle: you, your context and us.

Root Digging

Brout digs. We don’t stay on the surface, we get to the root of things. No band-aid solutions, but a thorough approach.


Brout confronts. We are open and honest, even if you might not like what we have to say. But we will always treat you with respect—our goal is getting to those deeper layers.


Brout awakens. Briefly, we will turn your view of yourself—and of the world—upside down. Showing you differently. So you can act differently.


Brout moves. We do things our own way. Unorthodox, but with a vision. You’ll learn to love it. And if you don’t, that’s okay too.

Brouteers are professionals with a rebellious streak, always going for gold. They bring out your best for the world. They act as your mirror. With love and respect, always. No judgment, but they can be confronting. They have the courage to act. They show their vulnerability and invite you to do the same. Meet our Brouteers!

Wall of fame Brouteers

Ton Keunen

CVO, Founder & Leadership Developer

Ton firmly believes that nothing is impossible if one possesses a true desire and willingness to take risks. With this conviction, Ton is wholeheartedly dedicated to supporting you, your team, or organization in overcoming both visible and invisible obstacles. Rest assured that with Ton's assistance, no stone will be left unturned. Together, you will embark on a journey of growth and development, paving the way towards an even better version of yourself and your team.

Annelies den Boer


Annelies is at her best when she gets to create a better (work) world together with people for people. She is both strategic and hands-on, understands the business and human aspects, is pragmatic and full of humor, thereby enabling people and companies to grow!

Thijs van Wersch

Lead Trainers, Senior Trainer & Coach

Thijs loves supporting others in their development. He challenges you to step out of your comfort zone and take action. He believes you already have everything you need to achieve your goals—he's just here to help you get it out.

Merijn van Bussel

Lead Operations, Finance & HR

Merijn challenges you, your team and organization to go for growth. Easy? No. Confronting? Sometimes. Merijn is a real connector and brings positivity, calm and reflection. He encourages change and thus creates authenticity, perspective and results.

Joost Agterberg

Lead Growth, Trainer & Coach

Joost believes in you! You can create positive changes in your life, your team or your organization. He listens, asks challenging questions and acts as a mirror—always from respect and with the intention to let you grow. He challenges you to take action.

Joanie van der Sande

Trainer & Coach

Joanie relates to people from a personal integrity point of view: Who are you and what do you stand for? She helps you discover how to be and honor who you are and what you stand for, in all walks of life, including your relationships.

Monica Keunen

Senior Coach & Lead Coaches

Monica likes to work hard and achieve results. She awakens in you what you have to offer the world. She mirrors lovingly, is direct and confronting where needed. And she’s also in for a laugh!

Ilse Otten

Project Manager

Collaboration and connection are important values for Ilse. By taking the practical matters off your hands. She likes to create overview and space, so the other can focus on the content for the best Brout experience. She keeps the lines short and all agendas tight.

Mathijs Ummels

Trainer & Coach

Mathijs wastes no time getting to the heart of the matter. Confronting, but always respectful. He shows you the best version of yourself: who you can be, what's stopping you and how you can grow.

Nadieh Roeffen

Trainer & Coach

Nadieh's most significant mission is to help you become more in tune with yourself. Every emotion you experience, every irritation you feel, and every obstacle you encounter holds valuable insights about you. Nadieh is here to guide you in exploring these barriers. She has a passion for breaking down walls, enabling you to establish a deeper connection with yourself and, consequently, with the people around you. Her approach is confrontational, open, down-to-earth, and infused with love.

Matt Hoogewoonink

Trainer & Coach

Matts knows that you can make your world a little more beautiful every day. And that the growth of others is the responsibility of everyone who can contribute to it. Personal leadership is the foundation of this idea. Because what you say may be lost, but what you do, you radiate outwards.

Tess Krijger


Tess brings a considerable amount of energy and empathy. For her, equality takes the forefront, not only in the way of communicating, but also on an emotional level. Through openness and honesty, she strives for growth together with you.

Koos van Plateringen

Social Media & Podcast-host

There are many people who can give a good presentation, but what makes the difference? YOU! There is only one you and with your story you can make an impact. Koos will look for this with you in coaching and training. Authenticity is essential. A message straight from the heart sparkles.

Mieke van Winden

Food & more

Mieke loves people and great food - Happy food! She is delighted to have landed here with us after 35 years of being airborne. Mieke's philosophy is enticing: Live well, eat well!

Jorien Loots


Jorien is empathetic and loving, but it is precisely because of this that she quickly and keenly spots areas of friction in individuals, teams, or organizations. With a wealth of work experience in various roles within commercial organizations and as an entrepreneur, she now enjoys helping as a trainer to enhance work engagement and happiness.

Juliette Deben

Project Manager

"Everything will work out," is Juliette's favorite quote. Give her a clear framework or idea, and she will execute it. She likes to create overview for others and prefers to think three steps ahead. In addition, she will always be open to offering a listening ear.

Hannah Coffeng

Project Manager

Can't does not exist. I firmly believe in that. If something needs to be organized or planned, and it seems impossible, I see it as a challenge. The crazier, the better. Working together with my team to ensure everything is well-arranged energizes me.

Nina Vervoorn

Trainer & Coach

Nina wants to talk about what lies behind the mask. She does this as a Learning Designer by supporting BROUT trainers with impactful, concrete, and creative programs. As an empathetic and goal-oriented trainer, she enjoys challenging participants with thought-provoking questions. After all, hasn't honesty been the best policy for years?

Marloes van der Logt


Marloes is warm, open, and personal. With her knowledge, experience, and curiosity, she helps you bring out the best in yourself. She explores with you who you are, what drives you, and what beliefs you live by, allowing you to get to know and understand yourself better. She is loving and confrontational when necessary.

Lois Veldheer

Project Manager

With a great passion for everything related to the development of us as humans, Lois enthusiastically contributes from Project Management to organize Brout's leadership programs from A to Z, thereby creating a impactful experience for the participants.

Daniëlle van der Schoot


Daniëlle enjoys immersing herself in stories in every form. What drives her is the discovery of what lies beneath the surface, that which deeply resonates with people. She can express her versatility in her role as a Content Manager. Collaboration is the key for her in creating beautiful things.

Emma van Emmerik

Learning & Design Specialist

As an endurance athlete, Emma has always been passionate about the journey to untapping human potential. She supports the trainings at Brout by designing programs based on research and infused of course with that Brout magic that helps our participants get (back) to the best of themselves.

Pauline Alberts


Pauline has an intrinsic curiosity about people and their motivations. Why do you do what you do? With patience, courage and compassion, she helps you create order out of chaos, brings you back to basics and lets you discover the real you. Once you find it, everything falls into place.

Eloi Burke

Trainer & Growth

Eloi believes in the power of honesty, openness, and authenticity. These allow us to grow, to gain new insights, and ultimately to become stronger. He doesn't hesitate to ask the uncomfortable questions, to confront, knowing that it can sometimes be awkward. But he also believes that true growth takes place precisely in those moments of discomfort.

Reinder Schonewille

Business consultant

As business consultant, Reinder works together with you on innovation through inspiration. He is a results driven people-person and couples inspiration and personal strengths with clear ambitions. Reinder guides teams through this voyage of discovery and is in his element when impact is realised through connection.

Mirjam Boxen

Trainer & Coach

When you understand what's happening, you can make powerful choices. Mirjam helps leaders to recognize opportunities for growth and address what hinders success. This applies to both individuals and teams within organizations. She fearlessly brings issues to the surface, driven by her commitment to the client and tangible results in practice.

Nathalie Paulussen

Senior Trainer & Coach

Nathalie encourages leaders to fully embrace the challenges they face in life and work. She advocates approaching these challenges with confidence so that individuals can bring out the best in themselves in the world. She does this with an open heart and a sharp mind, driven by a deep interest in how people have developed into the individuals they are now and how they navigate the significant themes of life. Through this, she hopes to make a meaningful contribution to the well-being and sustainability transition of individuals, organizations, and society.

Stijn Rost van Tonningen


Stijn believes that you learn where it is especially gripping, outside of your comfort zone. That is a different area for every person, for every team. That is where the answers lie for personal development and team development. Stijn helps you to embark on the adventure in an experiential and respectful way, playful and profound.

Frank Vogt

Trainer & Coach

Frank is a connector and is curious. Connection occurs between your head and your heart, and with that he lays the foundation for further deepening. Frank is curious about what drives you, and what you need to make your dreams come true. We don't rest until we find it, and we go on a journey together!

Dorine Hurenkamp


If you know Dorine, you'll quickly see her drive. She always strives for the highest achievable and enjoys working with people based on connection and trust. Together with the client, she builds our proposals and works on leadership programs of the future.

Sylvia Weijmer

Trainer & Coach

Sylvia helps bring to the surface unspoken issues and emotions in organizations and teams. She then encourages constructive dialogue with the aim of finding sustainable solutions that work for all involved.

Mick van Abeelen

Studio Technicus

Mick is the director of the Brout studio. He guides all online training sessions. He ensures a pleasant setting and makes sure everything runs smoothly. And by the way, all the fun Brout videos are also his work! Does he love his job? Mick: "Creating cool content is what I do! I prefer to be creative all day long!"

Hylke van Sprundel


An empathetic training actor. One who can sense where you are used to starting your communication and challenges you to develop a new way of communicating. One that better reflects your desire, setting your own boundaries and your curiosity. With a healthy preservation of the relationship with your conversation partner.

Iris van Geffen


Iris believes it is important for participants to feel safe in a training. Listening between the lines is her hobby. She loves language and noticing details that others miss. Iris enjoys working in a playful way, using humor and vulnerability to co

Jeroen Wijnhorst


Jeroen challenges you to explore and experiment. He knows there's even more to you than meets the eye. Jeroen will help you to translate newly acquired insights into behavior.

Hylke Reidsma

Trainer & Team Growth

No nonsense and with a large dose of empathy, Hylke helps you and your organization move forward. Insights and impact begin with getting into motion. With an eye on results, together we light the right fire.

Jeannette Beelen

Trainer & Coach

Jeannette's mission is to help you grow and gain confidence in your own qualities, skills, and abilities. So that you dare to take (or take more) control again.

Vincent de Lusenet


Vincent always works from foundation of connection, energy and authenticity. He challenges you to become aware of your potential. Based on safety, individuality and creativity, he adds value to your development by bringing out the best of yourself.

Rob Bartels

Trainer en trainingsacteur

Since 1998, Rob has worked as a training actor and trainer. He is interested in people, especially supporting their development in various areas. He prefers unconventional methods. He strives to bring out the best in people together.

Pieter Maas Geesteranus

Senior Trainer

Pieter connects colleagues in team coaching sessions. He ensures that the unsayable is spoken: the invisible can come out. This is exciting at first, then liberating and immediately creates more trust. Pieter rounds things out with calmness and empathy, interspersed with energy, confrontation and humor.

Christine Slootweg

Senior Trainer & Coach

Christine loves movement. Everything that moves changes. Sometimes, as an individual or as a team, you can get stuck. Christine can uncover underlying dynamics. A confronting and sometimes painful process that is helpful because it creates space for a next step to be taken. She wants to talk about what needs to be talked about. She does this directly and with a big heart.

Heleen Parser


Heleen loves authenticity. Gaining insight in your strength and challenging yourself to discover new possibilities. Positive, energetic and sincere is how she helps you to map your behaviour.

Cindy Bell


Cindy is an energetic training actress who gives you the confidence and security to take the next step in your development. Holding up an honest mirror with true play so that we really connect with each other and can go beyond your own beliefs.

Daan Klever



Emma Veerhuis

Community Manager


Erik Kepper

Chief of Product


Juliette Hegazy

Office / PA


Pien ten Napel

Creative Designer


Ruth Timmermans



Rens Molle



Tim Wertheim

Finance Manager
